Monday, July 24, 2006

Rumbling: Required Reading

I'm going to get things started by talking about rumbling. The first thing everyone should do is take in some of the "required reading" that's out there for Rumbling.

First off is the YPPedia entry for rumbling. This is a short read but describes the basics of the game. In particular, make sure you understand the differences between major and minor strikes (aka striking vs. sprinkling), how to create combos, and defending teammates.

Next up is Boothook's Rumbling Guide. It's got some amazing information in there, but it's also stiflingly long. Take it in small doses, but most questions about rumbling can be found there. If you really want to be one of the "best of the best", I suggest reading this guide...a few times.

Also, check out this thread on the Y!PP forums about fighting barbarians. After all, not everyone wants to stand in the Inn and fight in the rumble pits. However, if you like to pillage, you're going to run across barbarians, and you're going to want to know how to fight them. There's not a lot there, but there is some basic info about barbarians.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this FU!
It's helping me win more and more.

I've found it helpful to read once, then practice a bit, and then come back and read again. - Reboot

Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed the first "class" last night ... however the YPPedia post taught me something that I didn't know. Bubbles that fall on major breaks create bruises in the strike!! And with that knowledge I moved from GM ot Leg last night.

